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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Preventing Mold in your Home or Office closet.

6/20/2024 (Permalink)

Mold growth in closet wall This is what can happen to your wall when moisture and mold go unchecked.

Mold can grow anywhere in homes, including closets. Here are some tips to keep your closets dry and mold-free! 

  • Make sure that clothes are completely dry before storing them in closets. The moisture in clothing can accelerate mold growth. 
  • Store only clean clothing and items in closets as dirt and other organic substances are potential food sources for mold. 
  • Don’t pack clothes or other items too tightly in closets. Allow air to circulate between them to reduce moisture. 
  • Don’t store items on the closet floor to prevent trapping moisture underneath them. 
  • Leave closets open when possible. Replace solid closet doors curtains for better airflow. 
  • Avoid opening closets if they are in rooms with high humidity, particularly when producing moisture (e.g., showering or cooking). 
  • If you have a humidity problem in your home, use the air conditioning unit or a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air. 
  • If clothes in a closet smell musty, take them out and fix the moisture problem. 

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