Recent Storm Damage Posts

What to do when you return home after storm damage has occurred.

6/20/2024 (Permalink)

Coming home after a flood info sheet. FEMA suggests 4 things that you should do after returning home from a flood occurrence.

When storms send floodwater into your home, you don't always know what to do. When is it safe to return to your house? Can you start the cleanup on your own? How you handle a flood will depend on the severity of the damage. It can be helpful to call about storm damage services right after the storm has left your area. It would be best if you also tried to avoid doing the following:

1. Walking Into Standing Water

Did you know that 6 inches of moving water can cause you to lose footing? Because even shallow waters can be dangerous, you should avoid walking into standing water. Your flooded home may be full of stagnant water, but you should avoid entering it. If the electricity is on, the water could be charged. Stormwater could contain dangerous contaminants, too.

2. Waiting To Schedule a Cleanup

Do you want to try to tackle the water damage on your own? Unless you know how to remove flooding and humidity from your house effectively, you should turn to a professional. The sooner you can schedule your cleanup, the better it will be for your home. If you wait too long, you may have increased mold growth in your space.

3. Returning to Your Home Too Soon

While you want your life to return to normal, you must ensure the flood water is completely gone before you return. Going home too soon can make it harder for the cleanup crew to remove excess humidity properly. The cleanup may require replacing building materials, which can leave your home dusty. If you wait until the entire process is finished, you can return to a more normal life right when you move back in.

Storm flood water may cause you to leave your home until the damage can be fixed. Taking the wrong steps after this type of flood can make the restoration process harder than it has to be, so remember what not to do.  You can find more detailed information from

Storm Season doesn't end when Hurricane season does.

5/1/2023 (Permalink)

Even though storm season is wrapping up rather quickly, a nearby road overflow can cause significant issues in the ground levels of your property. Heavy rainfall results in sewer systems backing up and overflowing with contaminated Black Water. Due to the potentially harmful effects of Black Water, it is essential to hire a professional, qualified technician to help repair and restore your property safely. Indeed, many of your possessions can be salvaged by using professional cleaning equipment promptly.

Where there is Flood Damage in SERVPRO® of Olive Branch & Marshall County homes, the likelihood of contaminants being spread around the home is high. In the circumstances, it is not uncommon for our technicians to wear Hazmat suits to protect themselves from pathogens during the cleanup operation. We may also have to remove sections of drywall to clean in and behind walls, floors, and fittings. Left behind debris is not only odorous but has the potential to be harmful if not dealt with thoroughly.

For owners who find themselves in this position, it is only natural to immediately assume the worst, especially where personal possessions are concerned. Here at SERVPRO®ofOlive Branch & Marshall County,  we always work with a restore over replace mentality. Unlike other providers, our services are geared toward salvaging as much as possible. We enable our technicians to achieve this by providing them with state-of-the-art cleaning equipment and technology.

We can assess items immediately on-site to decide which possessions are salvageable and which need disposal. Generally speaking, porous materials absorb black water making them exceptionally difficult to clean; this could include your carpets or curtains. However, where they are valuable fabrics, we can send them to a specialized facility for mechanical cleaning using Esporta washing machines. This equipment is expensive because they are advanced. However, SERVPROOlive Branch & Marshall County provides technicians with everything they need to restore items rather than replace them.

Floods are considerable emergencies which is why SERVPRO training involves a rapid-response unit as well as a 24-hour emergency call line. Our skilled specialists are local to the area and can reach you fast to help mitigate loss and reduce the risk of permanent damage.

In an emergency, contact the SERVPRO professionals right away!